Yahoo! JAPAN (LY Corporation) 应用

Yahoo!音声アシスト - 声でスマホをかんたん便利に 3.20.0
“What is the weather tomorrow?” “Check the last train to Yokohama”“Wake up at 6 o'clock” “Remind me at 18:30”
Yahoo!オークション ネットオークション、フリマアプリ 7.67.0
No need to worry about buying what you want because you will benotified by push notification! ♪ You can check the campaigninformation as soon as possible.
Yahoo!きせかえ-壁紙 ホーム アイコン着せ替え
A Yahoo app with free wallpapers! Let's change the wallpaper andicons of the home screen with the Yahoo! JAPAN official app.
Yahoo!天気 - 雨雲や台風の接近がわかる天気予報アプリ
Yahoo Weather's Nimbus Radar is designed to let you know at aglance when it will rain, when it will stop, and how strong it willbe. In addition, we will notify you when it is likely to rain.